Butternut Squash

Hopefully, you have been harvesting produce all summer long. But, fall is here with shorter days and cooler weather, especially at night. So many of us have been cleaning out our gardens and putting them to bed for the winter. But, if you planted butternut squash or some of the other squashes like spaghetti, acorn and pumpkins you have waited a long time to finally harvest. In fact, a good 100 days or more. These plants take the longest to grow but for squash lovers the wait is worth it. We typically will plant these winter squash off to the side of the garden and let them sprawl out in what ever direction they choose to take.
But, now it's harvest time! I love to roast or bake my winter squash. Then add to soups, salads or serve as a side dish. The nutrient value of squash alone is a good reason to grow and serve to your family. Butternut squash is full of vitamin C, plus a good source of vitamin E, B-6, folate and manganese. In fact a cup of cubed butternut squash can provide around 582 mg of potassium, more than the amount available in a banana.
I recently roasted this butternut squash. I first took a good peeler and removed the outer layer then cut in half removing the seeds. Then I cut into cubes, coated with butter flavored olive oil, fresh thyme and oregano, cinnamon, salt and pepper and roasted at 375 degrees until tender, about 40 minutes. If you want you can serve as is or add some maple syrup, honey or brown sugar.